The School opening ceremony was held on 13-07-1986. Sri K.N. Lakshmanan, B.A., Secretary, Sri Vidya Mandir Association, Salem hoisted the National Flag and Sri K.R. Pandurangam, B.Sc., Chairman, Sri Vidya Mandir Association declared open the School. Later a four-rooms tiled building was constructed and it was declared open by Smt.Kamala Jain, Member, Hostel Committee, under the Presidentship of Sri Harilal Vishindas Bathija, Vice-Chairman, Sri Vidya Mandir Association on 06-07-1988. Today the school has grown into a Senior Secondary School.
Read More +All teaching is about facilitating learning. Sri Vidya Mandir objectives in education are to enrich children's lives by providing an environment in which they can explore and discover. All learning is kept practical and valid.
Children are living beings more living than people who have built shells of habit around themselves. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for their mental health